Memorandum of Understanding (MOU)

At end of last year (which was just a few days ago), I was actually at lost with some of the directions I wanted to take. But with persistence and hard work, I came up with a few strategies for my organization and what I wanted to do.

Today again I had a very productive meeting with a business contact and he offered to sign a potential Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with Trade Not Riba dot Com. This is a big organization in Malaysia, honestly within 20 minutes of talk he offered it to me. But I have known him for a long time and tried to help him with an issue he had 3 years ago. In fact we met in Australia when both of us were invited speakers from around the world. He is a little brother and I still call him Tuan (Sir in Malay) but today he said please stop calling me that. But I prefer to call others formally a training my late father gave. My father used to call every male “Tuan” and every female “Puan” – a sign of respect in Bahasa Malayu (Malay) – those who know me well know I can speak broken Malay – hahaha. But I am a Bangladeshi by birth right (and I only speak even broken Bangla – hahaha – just joking I can speak Bangla – people understand so it must be good – some even follow my Bangla accent – hahaha)

And hard work pays off. I have had so many personal issues in the last 2 years but towards the end of last year, I decided enough sulking – now its time to move on. And yes success in life is just like success in business and it is about setting goals and achieving them, and the secret, as many people will agree, is hard work. All the successful people work very hard. … Because, if you are a hard worker, you automatically do the other 2 things that lead to success in business: you will improve yourself and you will persist.
